It certainly seems - well, actually "feels" - that way. As in so many previous years, August was hazy, not and humid; so many unbearable days; so many days hiding inside in the air conditioning. Then, "click".
Labor Day came and brought with it deepening blue skies, wispy clouds and - poof! - the humidity disappeared. It has been lovely this week and comfortable. So nice, in fact, that I finally got out and did some - gasp! - weeding.
The garden is in pretty good shape considering how little attention I have given it this summer. Twice-a-week watering has certainly helped, but like all well-established gardens, this one has held its own. And more than
Many spring flowers that stopped blooming early have decided that they have a bit more to say. Like the Evening Primrose, several of the clematis are blooming again. This one is particularly gorgeous with rich, dark blue flowers that are nearly six inches across.
The miniature roses are blooming again, too, and the first
The Obedient Plant has gone wild... as it is wont to do. The "obedient" in its name refers to the way one can twist or shape a stalk to grow in a particular way and definitely not to its staying where one puts it. It is highly invasive in this part of the world, so I spend a good bit of weeding time annually removing it from places where I don't want it. But you have to admit that it