Things are blooming so fast that it's almost impossible to keep up. A stroll yesterday uncovered these little beauties.
A miniature iris - it's only four inches tall. It's best quality, tho, is that it grows in dry shade (as well as partial sun). It was a pass-along from Garland.
Wood Hyacinths. I have pink and white, as well as the blue, but clearly the blue color is genetically dominant. There must be 1,000 times as many blue flowers. These came from our old home 10 years ago and grows all over the yard - wherever I need a blue filler.

A lovely white viburnum. I cannot find the tag for this and am so sorry! It is lovely, altho it has no fragrance, which is a disappointment. To get a size perspective, it's in the final picture.

A cheap little
dianthus from the Big Blue Box last summer. I used it as filler in the xeri-garden, but it came back this spring big and luscious, so I left it. I love the hot pink color!
Calycanthus floridus, aka Carolina Allspice. In the sun this would be a big full shrub, but it's in pretty deep shade, so it's an open - not all that pretty - one instead. Last year it had only three blooms and this year about ten times that. The fragrance is like pineapple with something else sweet - maybe vanilla - mixed in. I wanted it next to the deck so that we could enjoy the fragrance with a glass of wine. Maybe next year. You
can smell it, but you have to be this close!