Don't get me wrong. I spend plenty of money ... plenty. If we need a little something around the house [like new floors or kitchen counters] or something for the garden, I'm your girl. If Mitchell needs [or just wants] something he saw at the mall, I'm pulling out the credit card. Christmas shopping - absolutely! Good catalog choices for my nieces or a friend - I'm on it.
But for myself, not so much.
My needs are very well met. I've never been a clothes horse and Mitchell is way more than generous when it comes to the special things in life. I seldom find something that I just
want for me, but when I do .... I want to share it with you!
My new bracelets [yes, plural!] arrived this afternoon in the mail. Made by a talented young jeweler, they were custom made just for me! And, I love them.
Please meet Allyson Miller, Kentucky girl [Go, 'Cats!] transplanted to Georgia, Army wife and talented jewelry maker. Her Etsy store is
Daisy and Elm.
I've been following her blogs for a couple of years now. You know I was interested in a blog called "
Magnolias and Mimosas", don't you? And, while her husband was deployed last year she shared in "400 Wake-ups" the stories of the wives and families left stateside as their loved ones serve in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have read that only 1% of Americans even know someone serving in the military today, so count myself lucky that thru Ally I know her husband and from her I have learned about life alone on the homefront.
Several weeks ago I discovered that she was making the troll-type bracelets, so I asked her to make one for me. It was so reasonably priced, that I got two. There are several flowers, a treble clef, a W and an M [go figure], a starfish, and a bunch of grapes [any idea what that is about?] that all have special meaning to me, as well as glass and ceramic beads in purple and turquoise - my two favorite colors. They can be worn alone or together, or even stacked with other silver bracelets.
Have you ever tried photographing your dominant hand using your non-dominant? Difficult! |
Bottom line - they are wonderful!
I see this whole blogasphere (sp?) as a place where many women support other women in lots of ways - one of which is commercially. So, I hope that you will check out Ally's Etsy store, as well as her blog. If you are in the market for a little bit of bling for yourself or a gift for someone you love, you might find just the perfect thing waiting for you there. She makes lots more than troll bracelets. If you look carefully you will see a pair of bracelets that look a bit familiar!
Thanks, Ally!