Don't you love it when a plan comes together?
It's been a difficult spring and summer to get anything done - at least anything personal. The very small company for which I work landed a huge contract that started mid-April and will wind up in early August and has meant lots of 14-hour days for me; bad meals and inattention to Mitchell; and just no time for anything fun. Add the wrist issue and I have not been writing or doing much - not even in the garden.
I did finally manage to complete a project we started in

January. You might remember that we put in
hard wood floors right after the holidays. Once that was done, we resurfaced our kitchen counters - replacing the dark green formica with a speckled black epoxy surface. I intended to tell you all about it, but never even took the pictures to show the process. this is the only photo I can find of the old counters.
It's a much more modern look and immediately made the walls look ... well, insipid! [Don't think I have ever written that

word before!] Here's the new counter.
For months I have dithered about what color to paint the walls to give the room a punch. three trips to the local big box store to get paint samples, days of looking at one-inch square samples and wondering what they would look like all over, many samples discarded and more brought in. Finally, about a month ago we settled on "Ridge View".
My Fourth of July gift to myself was a day to paint. For the first hour I had big doubts about my decision but as it dried and the sun started pouring into the kitchen, I started to smile. What you think?

This is the window corner -

always full of light.

And this is the side

I prep ... and
more than likely dump everything I carry home.
Mitchell had also changed out all the gold-toned knobs for a pewter tone. And finally, we decided that to complete the more sophisticated look, we needed a pendant light. One last trip to the big box and quite a struggle to get all the bolts and nuts and screws and wiring to fit into a tiny little canopy [the electrician is worth every penny you have to pay him!], we are done. It's the room we do the most work in. It might as well be a place that makes us feel good.

One of the joys of a home you love is when ten years later you can make a change and love it even more!