Did you know that it's National Deck Sealing Weekend? Well, it's not really, but that's how I am spending the weekend. Once Andrea moved thru it has been comfortably warm and sunny and perfect for drying deck sealer. Front and side porches were finished yesterday and I'm half way thru the big back deck today. Of course, I should have done it a month ago. Actually, good news. I never got around to it last year, so I am ahead for this year.
Andrea dumped lots of water - nearly three inches in my garden - but did no real damage in this area. The yard is mushy to walk on and the beds way too wet to even try to pull weeds, but a couple of days of sun should have lilies blooming in full force.
The "green garden" is about to end its run. I might get two or three more weeks of lettuce if it stays relatively cool for a while longer - like mid-80's - but it's poised to bolt now. The herbs are going strong - cilantro, basil, and parsley producing like mad.
Note the fencing to keep out the rabbits! Fortunately, it was easy and is re-usable so I am set for next year. |
The tomatoes are planted and growing, but it will be weeks before there is any meaningful yield. Already a few tiny green tomatoes, but they are just a tease. The okra didn't sprout, so I need to look for some plants, but it's probably too late for this season.
June is definitely here and the good effects of all that spring and summer rain are everywhere!
I think I'll have some sun tea. Hope it's good where you are, too.