May and June passed in a fog of working too hard and too much, so I took an hour off this morning to share what's blooming in July.
The mandavilla is slowly making its way up the tower.
The callas seem to be struggling a bit this year, but it may still be a bit early for them. These open white, but then darken to a mid-pink. They are not supposed to be hardy here, but don't tell them! I have had these for more than 10 years and have moved them twice. [Maybe that's why they are struggling - they are tired!]
The very last gladiola. They have been pretty this year.
Always the last shrub to bloom is Clethera alnifolia 'Ruby Spice'. It's worth the wait!
The mini-rose blooms all summer long. These flowers are about an inch in diameter, and last forever - even cut and in the house.
This year's experiment - a Sunny Knock out rose [Rosa 'Radsunny' PP 18562 (shrub)]. It opens pale yellow and fades to white. I think this one is finally happy and putting out blossoms consistently.
From the xeri-garden we get Hummingbird Mint [Agastache x 'Ava']. It blooms most of the summer, but the bees and butterflies are all over it right now.
And the star of the front bed is phlox. There are three shades, but I don't know their names - a pale lavender (left), a white and pink bi-color (center) and a deep lavender (right). I just love them. I see a vase in their near future.
July would not be complete without crepe myrtle. This one is 'Centennial'.
Four inches are rain last week = good! Three days of high 90's heat this week = bad, so the garden is not sure if it's coming or going! There are still plenty of pretties to share. Can't wait to see what's in your garden today. Join the fun at May Dreams Garden!
Who said clouds were lonely?
5 hours ago