Hard to imagine it's the middle of November already. We had the first hard frost just last week, but now it's back to 70's and golden leaves. On a balmy afternoon stroll there was plenty to look at.
Camellia sasanqua 'Sparkling Burgundy' |
Only a year old, this sasanqua is doing well. It's been in bloom for more than a month and is still covered with buds. I can hardly wait until it's grown up a bit and turned into a real shrub.
Fothergilla gardenii 'Mt Airy |
I know this is not a flower - really, I do - but the play of the bluish-green leaves of the nandina and the golden coin leaves of the fothergilla is just too pretty to ignore.
Aconitum x Arendsii |
One poor little Monk's Hood. I am delighted with it, because it has been years since it has bloomed at all. Can't seem to find the perfect spot to put it so that it thrives.
There are also more mundane things still in bloom, like dianthus.
Or, Pacific daisies.
Chrysanthemum pacifica (Ajania) |
Or chysanthemums.
Even if they are in a pot.
The real stars of these last few weeks, tho, have been the roses. I understand now why people adore the Knock Out varieties. This one has bloomed and bloomed and will be ... well, a knock out when it's a bit larger.
Rosa 'Radsunny' PP 18562 |
This one is smaller, but definitely not delicate. It has bloomed non-stop since May and is still covered with tiny buds. Wish I knew its name. The tiny spots of pink are probably a flaw, but I think of them as beauty marks!
The very best thing in the garden right now is not yet in bloom - bearded iris! The re-bloomers that I planted last year have made it thru a summer that was both dry as a bone and overly wet, but they have put up five flower stalks. Had hoped the warm weather this week would push them into bloom, but they are not ready, so none of us gets to see them today after all.
When I decided to participate in Bloom Day, I had no idea that I really would have something in bloom every month, and I am not yet sure. In these parts, tho, the camellias should be in bloom next month, followed closely by the hellebores, so I am hopeful. If you haven't already been to see what else is blooming around the world, please be sure to visit
May Dreams Gardens and follow the links. And, special thanks to Carol for being our hostess all year.