I've been a total slug this week - blogwise, anyway. I will blame the job, which has kicked into high gear for the next three months leaving me with a To Do List that is miles long.
I will also blame this stupid budget "crisis". I have kept my TV on 24/7 listening to our elected
representatives argue over policy instead of dollars. Instead of dithering, tho, Alison has been thinking and writing. So, in case you don't already follow her... read
this. And, be sure to tell her "hi"... and then go email your representatives.
ps: I should have told you... Allison writes the blog
400 Wake-ups - the life of an Army wife, whose husband is on his third [count them, third] deployment to Iraq. He and the 352nd are preparing the Iraqi people to take over their own security, while Ally keeps the home fires burning in Georgia. They say that less than 1% of Americans actually know a deployed member of the armed services. If you don't, here's your chance to see what life is like on the "home front" thru the eyes of an insightful, honest young woman. I hope you will enjoy her blog.