Dr. Nancy's take was that women have too much on their plates to add one more guilt issue. As in, "I'm working my butt off trying to get everything else done in my life, and now I need to work twice as hard to work my butt off?" She felt that 30 minutes a day was probably plenty for most folks and that that could be gotten by parking farther away, using the stairs and taking the long route when you can - and most important, by pushing away from the table! Well, there's that!
I did make the effort this morning with disappointing results.

This morning, tho, an odd thing happened. Well into my fourth (and next to the last) lap, I was approached by the Michelin Man who was dressed in a "Security" sweatshirt. "Sorry, ma'm," says he, "but I'll have to ask you to leave the track." "Why?," says I. "For the security of the children," says he.
I thought about that a minute. "You mean," says, I, "that having paid my county taxes on time, I cannot walk on this track?" "That's right. Not between 7:30 and 4 when the children are here."
I did not tell him that he needed the walk more than I did. Nor, that he was freakin' crazy. Nor,

Don't want to endanger the children - or, I wouldn't pay my taxes - but it does seem to me that they have gone way too far in that direction and forgotten their role as part of the community.
Do you see hoards of middle-aged women storming their local schools and demanding the right to use their tracks to get in three extra hours of walking a week? I certainly plan to!!