It's the prettiest morning in weeks - sun shining outside and in the 40's. Inside nineteen of us dancing and sweating in unison - fogging up the windows with the heat we're generating. I often wonder who we really are? Several are clearly retired - including two of the men who come regularly. Linda is a police officer who comes on her days off and Cindy works as a dispatcher for the county. Today there are no young mothers with toddlers in the day care room, altho there often are. Sid is rumored to be a former dancer. From the way she carries herself and dances (and the fact that she takes two classes every day) I suspect the rumors are true.
"Ok, chaussee' right, ball change to the front. Now back to

"Grab your mats, weights and water bottles. Are you squeezing your glutes?"
[Squeezing my glutes? They died twenty minutes ago! Maybe tomorrow...]
Yes, definitely tomorrow.
Lost 15 pounds total and 5.8 inches and am still on track with the eating and exercise plan.
The eating plan is becoming part of my life, too. Last Monday night we were invited out to a fancy Italian restaurant and Saturday Mitchell wanted pizza for lunch. Both days I researched lower calorie choices for those restaurants (and for Italian food in general) and was able to eat something good but not use all my calories for the day. [And, I felt super virtuous at keeping to my plan, while Mitchell ate whatever showed up on his plate. There is nothing like a little competition with the spouse to keep one on track!]
The inches are still a bit more troubling. A total of 2.5 inches

Oh, and the rest of that weight is off my back. I will be down a tee-shirt size this spring and already need a shopping trip for new bras.
So, it's all good news this week.