As much as I could just sit and look at it, the garden still has plenty of little chores to keep me busy. The first of July - ok, I am a week early, and that's a first! - is time to start cleaning up the iris. They were lovely in April, but by now they are beginning to dry out and get ready for dormancy.
This is actually one of the easiest chores of the summer. Just clean out all the debris and cut back the scapes. They look fairly stupid afterwards, but it keeps them from blowing in the fall wind or getting crushed under snow in the winter, and cuts down on the critters.
This is the biggest bed completely done for the year. I have three small areas that I will get done in the next couple of days. Am a bit concerned about this bed, because the dirt keeps drifting over the rizones and burying them deeper. So far, they don't seem to mind and I have not lost any to rot, so am not doing any major work on re-setting them this year. Just no mulch in this area.
Less than an hour later. This is really an easy job! |
One of the three smaller beds is really getting overgrown. It's a big clump of the huge bearded pink iris - cultivar sadly unknown - that Mother gave me years ago for Christmas. Seriously. How she found iris in December, I do not know. But what a wonderful gift! [I think Mitchell was a bit confused, but i was delighted.]
Free to a good home. |
Any way, there is enough of it to share. Would be happy to send a clump to you - several of you - if you would like to try it in your garden. Apparently hardly zones 3-9; needs 6-8 hours of sun in growing season (spring); minimal water and will be fine in poor soil. If you would like to give them a try, drop me an email to and send me a shipping address. First come, first served until I run out!
Part of this clump could be moving to your garden soon. |