Today it rained. The first drops of water in April. Made me happy I spent the time over the weekend to re-do a small area of the back garden.
Remember that gorgeous primrose path I had two summers ago?
As much as I loved it and was initially happy to let the primroses spread, I didn't expect them to be a bully. It was like a pretty 8th grader turning into a high school mean girl. They took everything in sight - trying to choke out perennials and even a rose bush.
Primrose has taken that entire left corner and is overgrowing all the ground cover right of the path. |
I finally resorted to Round-up - seriously, I pulled and pulled and pulled without making a dent, so finally only pulled close to things I wanted to save and then hit the rest of the area with killer - many square feet.
Nearly everything is dead now.
Then it was time for a re-design.
There was one "good" and two nearly-choked-out Stokes lilies [Stokesia l. 'Mmary Gregory'] that I moved to better positions, and then I went looking.
Unexpectedly, I found some pretty Forget-Me-Nots at the farmers' market and added seven ajugas [Ajuga reptans 'Purple Brocade']. Once I had it all laid out and soaked the pots, I was ready to dig some holes.
A bag of mulch - to help with our early drought - and it's all done. And then, today, we got rain!
Come back in July, and let's see how it's doing.