Can it be the middle of September already? The skies are bluer, the humidity has dropped, and the summer blooming plants have started to perk up. Even the fall plants are starting to look promising. Yes, it must be mid-September.
Obedient Plant has opened like a field of lilac [Physostygia virginiana]. It can be invasive, but in this shady spot I can control it by pulling up handfuls as needed.
And several spring friends have decided to give me a few bonus blossoms... like the Pink Pizzaz [Loropetalum 'Pizazz' TM].
All of its outer branch tips have opened again. The Lady's Mantle nestled at its feet decided to follow suit and bloom,
too. Thanks, guys!
The clematis [Clematis hybrid 'H.F. Young'] that is supposed to grow up
the mailbox post, but which instead puddled on the ground
around it, has suddenly out a handful of blooms.
Out of nowhere one of the azaleas has one lone bloom - right at the top
and just a pretty as can be. In a way, it's nice to have just one to
look at. In the spring it's the mass of color that we love, but a
single bloom has its own beauty now.
The last of some of our summer friends have perked up,
too. You've got to love portulaca! What other plant do you know that
has blossoms that really are different colors? It's not that they fade
from one color to another (like Rosa mutabilis, for example)... they
really are different colors.
And the mandevilla is still attracting hummingbirds
as they head south for the real winter to come. I've seen two today,
but my photo skills are not up to even trying to get a picture of them.
But, it's the fall flowers that are starting to bloom that are really catching one's eye. First, the sedums - both Madronna and Autumn Joy.
The plumbago is bluer than ever and the fall anemones have just started dancing on their slender stems.
And finally the lovely Alma [Aster novae angliae 'Alma Potschke']. In really good years she is just covered in these tiny coral blooms. This year it was so dry (and apparently her mama did not make up for that with watering!) that she is only blooming around the edges. I hope that with the rain we are getting now, she will keep blooming and fill out more.
It's like the garden has taken a deep breath and decided to keep on going, too. With more to come when the mums start arriving at the party.
Hope you have a lovely bloom day and thanks to Carol for hosting us at May Bloom Gardens. If you haven't already been over there, please go and check out some new blogs.