Many, many thanks to Savvy Working Girl for passing along the Every Blog Needs a Little Bling! award. It was most unexpected and came in a week that needed some bling. You know. You all have them.
This is an award that I need to pass along, with thanks to these bloggers whose writing I enjoy, and who give me something. I've learned from you and laughed with you; I've been in awe of your writing and sometimes your guts. It's a chance to say a huge thank you to my heroines in the blog world. So, I hope you will check out some of these blogs.
To Denise at Little Pheasant and to "Flower Jane" at Small But Charming. These two intrepid florists do gorgeous work. Denise will show you something special she created today and tell you about it, and Jane could tell you ... well, anything. She and I have discovered that we grow doppleganger gardens about 100 miles apart, so we are frequently caught comparing what bloomed today?
To Anneka at Living a Dream and Deb at Sand Creek Almanac. Anneka and her guy have moved to Arizona and are living on a farm, complete with horses, veggie gardens and beautiful vistas. She will take you on a ride in the hills with photos that will leave you breathless. Deb lives in the wilds of Minnesota with her family. She plays the flute, mandolin and banjo and writes wonderful posts from - what is to me! - the frozen north. And, she makes a mean dandelion wine.
To Charlene at The Balance Beam and Vivianne at Vivianne's Vista. Charlene is an expert on bringing balance to one's life and has great advice, written in a witty, fun way. She needs a little extra love right now, so go visit her and send some her way. Vivianne is a survivor, with a capital S. Share her success story and you'll be uplifted.
To Jill at Third Age Musings and Pink Fairy Gran at The Three R's. These are my English bloggers. Jill is a retired teacher who takes wonderful photos and does perfectly gorgeous handwork of several kinds. You will be inspired to do something when you read her! Pink Fairy has been silent for a while, so I hope she is well. She writes about life in a small village in the English countryside. Perhaps more interesting to those of us "of a certain age", but well written.
To Appalachian Lady at Appalachian Journal and Barefoot Gardner at Barefoot in the Garden. Appalachian Lady is a retired college professor who lives in the mountains of Virginia where she writes about birds, bees, flowers, and life. Excellent photos. Barefoot Gardener is a relatively young gardener who is building her first "real" garden with help from her two small children. It's nice to follow a budding gardener as she works it out the way she wants it to be.
And, finally, to Marie at 66 Square Feet and Miss Caroline Bender at Drawing In. Marie is a South African expat, professional garden designer and cook par excellence. She posts little bits several times a day about the flora of NYC and the wonderful things she has cooked. She also gardens on a rooftop terrace that is only 66 square feet. You will be entranced! And Miss Caroline Bender is my muse. It was her blog that got me started. She always has a different insight into life and tells it imaginatively. Always many thanks to her.
So, I hope you will find a new blog somewhere in this list to add to your list. Read and enjoy! And, thanks again, Savvy!
Yuzu syrup, sort of
1 day ago
Sheesh, thanks :-)) I am flattered! It is hard to believe that I am "out there", and I feel a bit exposed, but I am glad you enjoy the blog.
ReplyDeleteAwww, thanks! I won't tell Mr. Barefoot that you give me bigger bling, K? LOL....
ReplyDeleteThanks that's really kind.
ReplyDeleteThank you!! What a treat. BTW - the peonies come all the was from Holland. Master flower growers :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! You are sweet. Bling is always a girl's best friend!
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you. I look forward to checking out the other award winners.
ReplyDeleteEven a dirty handed gardener loves a little bling!
Thank you SO much for the mention. Sadly, due to a problem with my server I am unable to do anything more with The Three R's blog other than read any comments which may be added... if I wasn't such a nosey old bag then I would never have seen your message, but so glad I did. Anyway, the good news is that I began a new blog which is more me, some time ago now, and so if you want to read it, then you need to go to..
and I hope you will enjoy reading that too. Bling per se isn't my thing at all, I am an English country housewife with no time for fripperies, no interest in fancy label clothes, shoes or bags. Would much rather go barefoot and spend money on books! But appreciate the thought, and maybe it will bring in some new readers. You will see I only post once a month, and never use photos, preferring the words to speak for themselves and leaving the reader to use their imagination!
Why, thank you :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the shout-out. I have been far behind on both reading and writing, and this came as a delightful note of encouragement for both. Hope you are enjoying your summer and your garden. I hear it is a tranquil place indeed. Have a great week ahead.