Thursday, February 26, 2015

This morning I awoke to this:

and this: 

and this.

It all started Presidents' Day with snow, followed on Friday by the coldest temperatures I've ever seen.  

Then snow and more snow.  Some of it dry and fluffy and some of it wet, but still fluffy.  All of it cold!

At lunch time I heard the crunch of someone shoveling snow ....

... in my driveway.  Our across-the-street neighbors (who are enjoying a snow day) were shoveling our driveway!  I guess that officially makes us the "old people down the street", but i have to admit that i really appreciate it. 

I see muffins in my immediate future - muffins to take to those big, strong shovelin' men.

Even the garden benches are not available today.

They sit cold and forlorn waiting for spring.  Soon, i hope, soon.  Hope conditions are improving wherever you are! 


  1. Glad you're back.

    My brother lives outside of Richmond. I had to call him and chuckle given all the snow that we've been having here in RI. It certainly makes things look different.

    1. I know ours does not begin to compare to yours, but since we are so totally unprepared to cope with even a few flakes, 6 inches leaves us paralyzed. Laugh at us. we don't mind!

  2. You are having such tough weather! I am saying this in all sincerity and not tongue in cheek. It is difficult to think "garden" when it's like this.

    It is good here, fruit trees are blooming and I am whacking back honeysuckle. Spring will come! Even where you are.

    1. Have envied your winter for weeks now, but then there is your summer to consider. overall, this is a great climate, and we have to occasionally pay for its moderation with a bad spell of heat or snow.

      That said, i am sick and tired of February. Thank goodness it is nearly gone.
