Saturday, March 3, 2012

New Dominion?

Today in Richmond about 1,000 people - some men, but mostly women - descended on the State Capital Grounds to silently protest the a law passed two weeks that restricts a woman's ability to make decisions for her own reproductive rights.
I wonder if they covered their faces so that their mothers wouldn't know what they were doing?

The law requires that any women seeking an abortion have an abdominal ultrasound - which she must pay for - prior to having the abortion.  The original bill required an ultrasound to determine the gestational age of the fetus.  Apparently the proponents did not know/understand that in the first trimester a traditional abdominal ultrasound does not work to determine fetal age.  The only way to accomplish that is a trans-vaginal ultrasound.  That is, an ultrasound probe that is inserted thru the vagina.  After a demonstration last week, that requirement was dropped, and the abdominal procedure ("jelly on the belly") specified.

A second law that would have given "personhood" to a fertilized egg was tabled until next year.

Apparently those protesters who were arrested had seated themselves on the steps of the Capital - silently - and failed to leave when asked by Capital Police to do so.  At that point riot police with tear gas and rifles were called in to establish "order".
I thought we fought these battles in the late 1970's and early 1980's.  I'm sorry I didn't know about the rally in time.   I would have been more than willing to be arrested for this issue.

Update:  I have now seen some film of the event and learned that the protesters were not silent.  They did not appear to be putting anyone in danger; merely shouting slogans and chanting.  They have been charged with "unlawful assembly".  Isn't there something in the Constitution about a "right to assemble"?

Today's thought From the Garden Bench is that this is a clock that we do not need to turn backward.


  1. Oh Webb, you are so right. The idea of fighting this battle again is depressing. And yes, those men are hiding their faces. If they aren't ashamed...they ought to be.

    1. Amen. "Depressing" is the right work. I am so sad that the next generation may have to continue marching and whatever it takes to continue the struggle to control our own bodies. I so thought we were past all that, and had at least left that freedom to our daughters.

  2. Somehow this blog did not appear on my blog list ... mmm. Probably just as well because this makes my blood boil. The whole idea of somebody besides me deciding what I can and cannot do with MY body "makes me very angry".

    Enough said. (Sorry, I was on a total rant).

    1. I really do try not to go political here, since I don't want to insult the friends I have made here, and don't really know what people think. But ... this really ticked me off. Truth is, if I had had any idea this would happen, I would be been there - sitting on the steps waiting to be arrested. A small price to pay.

  3. Very sad and depressing. Giving personhood to a fertilized egg is absolute insanity especially with in vitro and frozen fertilized eggs. What do these proponents say should be done about that? Keep them frozen forever? I'm guessing that's why it got tabled.

    And requiring ultrasounds doesn't reduce abortion - it increases second trimester abortions which is absolutely awful. It's just a way of punishing women, not "saving babies".

    It's a whole bunch of sad stupidity and vengeance.
