Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday Workday

Having passed up a walk in the park with my favorite six-month old gentleman [I'm keeping this cold to myself, thank you very much!], I still managed nearly an hour in the garden this afternoon.  It was 60 degrees in the sun and not very windy, so a most enjoyable reminder that in three or four more weeks we will have good gardening weather nearly every day.  And, at least one little reminder that spring is truly on the way.
It is pure clean up and clear out time for me.  Most of this work should have been done last fall. [I wonder if I will ever get the fall work done in a fall?]

I cleared this corner about 10 days ago on another warm afternoon.  Sadly we lost a buddelia over the winter, so I plan to put a new one in the center back of all this open space.
And, I cleared this corner today.
It's coming slowly, but a few more warm afternoons will help.
Ended up with enough warm time left to have a few sips of an adult beverage on the deck.

Life is getting better!


  1. So jealous you got to work outside.

    I'm still cleaning up from fall of 2011.

    Bird by bird.

    xo Jane

    1. Only 2011? It never stops, does it. I have one bed i haven't touched in three or hour years. Truly hope to at least clean it once this season. I've just got to retire so that i will have time for my garden! Hugs.

  2. That certainly does look like Spring! How nice to see daffs coming up. Great that you felt well enough to get out and spend time in the garden. That makes you feel better too, doesn't it?

    Now that beverage, is that sour mash?

    1. Not sour mash. Its a Manhattan - regular bourbon and sweet vermouth.

      The only proper way to drink sourmash is with water - i add a lot, but real men add very little. Definitely an acquired taste.

  3. Sorry to hear about the buddleia. What do you think killed it? At least you have room for some lilies now.

    1. As you well know... we have had a really wet winter with periodic storms. One of those storms literally pulled the buddleia out of the ground. It was so wet that the roots came right up. In a way it's ok, since it had gotten bigger than expected and was crowding both the pond and the shed. Am moving it farther from both, so in the long run it should be better.

    2. Thanks for the explanation. Our wet snowstorm right after Hurricane Sandy tipped over a 12' tall Queen Elizabeth rose in our yard last fall. It was in full leaf still and most of the rootball was pried out when it fell. I pruned it to 30" and stuck it back in the ground that day. I find it hard to believe that I could lose such a vigorous thing. Fingers crossed.
