Friday, July 19, 2013

It Just Keeps on Keeping On!

It seems like the last bloomers are blooming way early this year, altho I have to admit that I don't keep records - well, not written ones.  It's in my head ... sort of.
The clethera sweetspice is usually the last shrub to bloom and sometime in July seems about right.  Mitchell always thinks it's not going to, but it's always last. 
The last summer flower is always the hibiscus, but it's in the very back of the border - on purpose.  The blooms are nearly twice as large as usual this year.  Guess it's all the rain. 
And the last tree - at least in our yard - is crepe myrtle.  They bloom over a long cycle here and mine happen to be late bloomers, altho other varieties have been in bloom since early June.
So, now we have 60 days of late perennials and annuals before the fall change-over.  Can it really be the middle of the summer already.  Yep!  it definitely is.  Slow down, already!  I am not ready.


  1. Your yard looks like a tropical paradise! Summer is racing by though, isn't it? I am about to start prep on the winter garden :-/.

    Enjoy those lovely flowers!

  2. Ahhh, the hibiscus is beautiful (as is all the others of course). I would normally have one in a large pot but with construction it’s not happening this year. But there is next year…

  3. I know, on the one hand it's flying by, on the other I long for September and cooler temps.

    Never satisfied us gardeners.

    But I bet you're pretty pleased with your blooms.

    Garden looks hot.

    xo J.
